Tumbling is a very important part of cheer, and something that each individual can excel at his or her own pace. In cheerleading, tumbling is divided into two sections, standing and running. Within those sections, it is then divided further by level.​At BCA, we offer group tumbling classes 1-5 and semi or private lessons from 1-5.
Anyone can register for a tumbling class! You do not need to be in the competitive stream of our programming to participate. Tumbling is fun and beneficial for all levels and ages!​
If your athlete is committed to advancing in cheer, we recommend taking tumbling classes in conjunction with their team practices. Tumbling is the part of cheer that takes the most concentrated time and effort to learn and is one of the major deciding factors in team placements in the younger age levels. While there is a tumbling component to our team practices, during the competitive season it is based on what the athlete can already do and developing endurance and strength to be safe during the routine.​
We offer group tumbling classes or private one on one coaching. Group tumbling has low instructor to participant ratios and we aim to provide a class where athletes will be continually challenged to improve.
The class will focus on skills and drills designed to perfect their tumbling, lots of conditioning to ensure their bodies are able to perform skills successfully and will have athletes working towards mastering all of the fundamental skills to properly progress to the next level.​
Whatever your athletes goal is, we want to help them reach it!​If you have any questions or would like to book a private lesson, send us an email info@beachcheerathletics.com
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